Archive | April, 2012
April 29, 2012

Spain or Portugal?

Spain or Portugal?

While having breakfast in the cockpit this morning Nigel was checking out the anchor drag alarm, we were rather amused to find that he was sat in Portugal an I in Spain! so bom dia from Nigel and buenos dias from myself!

April 27, 2012

Up River….

We have been busy and posts have been missed because of no internet connection. However, after a brief visit to Vila Real de Santo Antonio and Ayamonte on the Spanish side, we have moved on up river in the Guadiana which separates Spain and Portugal. We are now at Alcoutim which is about 20 miles upstream from the sea entrance having visited the very secluded town of Pomerau which is another 8 miles up river.

After the coming weekend, we look forward to the sardine festival on Tuesday. Sardines are a popular delicacy here in Portugal and we are new converts!
We will let you know how it goes.